It was a pleasure to photograph Myra and Carl’s wedding at The Petersham. Myra is from Spain and they had celerbrated in her home town prior to planning a wedding here in the UK. It was a lovely experience to talk through the photogrpahy they had received in Spain. They had a very clear idea of what they wanted and what they were not so keen on image wise. We struck an instant rapour over coffee at the hotel reception and had a good walk aroudn the grounds so I could show them some of the nicest backdrops for photos. The weather was lovely on the day and so we ventured up to Richmond terrace for some photos. This was one of the first weddings at the Petersham I had done where the wedding breakfast was in the main restaurant, a requirement to cater for the larger than usual wedding party size. It’s a nice, spacious room for a wedding breakfast. Myra and Carl were really easy to work with and the day was filled with emotion, which comes across beautifully in the imagery captured. Warmest wishes to them both for the future.